Monday, October 22, 2007

Everything is relative

According to my Merriam-Wbester Dictionary, relative is having connection with or necessary dependence on another being. By the given definition, we could infer that everything is relative to another. Or everything is based on a given standard or anything that we agreed upon to and make it as a standard.

In my degree program, I always encounter standards like: standard atmospheric conditions and lot more as days past by. Even outside the academe, I always encounter the word "relative" like a friend of mine who said that: "Everything is relative to a standard. Truth is relative to whoever hears it. Knowledge is relative to those who want to accept it. And even Love is relative to physical appearances or to personality or other things which is similar to that.". And the milli0n dollar question in my mind is from where or to whom should we base everything in order to get the real truth? Should we get it from the textbooks? Or should we get it from people who surrounds us and has the biggest influence on us?

If people can't find it the "real truth" this where would the confusion would really began.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

anu daw?!